Here is some of my SQL Code

SQL Querries, Procedure and Triggers

A company is planning to expand internationally very soon. An SQL Query is needed for preparing a report on foreign markets and potential competitors. The compant has created a database containing a foreignCompetitors table, which has the following structure:

The report, needs to include the number of competitors per country and an additional row at the bottom that contains a summary: ("Total:", total_number_of_competitors)

For The foreignCompetitors Table

competitor country
Acme Corp USA
Openmedia France
K-bam USA
Hatdrill UK
Hexgreen Germany
D-ranron France
Faxla Spain

When the following SQL Query is executed on the foreignCompetitors table, it results into a table with two columns: country and competitors. The first column contains the country name, and the second column contains the number of competitors in this country. The resulting table is sorted by the country names in ascending order. The UNION clause creates an extra row at the bottom with the summary, as required.[execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql/ms-sql/oracle)

The SQL Query

CREATE PROCEDURE totalCompetitorsSolution()
        SELECT DISTINCT country, COUNT(country) AS competitors FROM foreignCompetitors
        GROUP BY country
        SELECT 'Total:' as country, COUNT(country) AS competitors FROM foreignCompetitors;

The resulting table of the SQL query

country competitors
France 2
Germany 1
Spain 1
UK 1
Total: 8

In the past, straight "A" students have gotten scholarships to reward them for their excellent grades. This year, though, there has been an increase in the number of detentions given to excellent students, so the administration is going to change the rules. In order to encourage the levels of misbehavior to go down, only well-behaved students will be awarded with scholarships this year. Information about the straight "A" students is stored in the table candidates, and information about all the detentions is stored in the table detentions. Here are their structures:

The candidates table

candidate_id candidate_name
12 Gerlinde Addens
35 Gerbern Abbey
44 Edmond Ramsay
58 Svanhild Lacey
103 Nita Simons

The detentions table

detention_date student_id
2015-10-21 12
2015-11-19 91
2016-02-11 87
2015-12-26 44
2016-01-19 91
2015-09-10 91
2015-12-30 12
2016-05-19 58

The following SQL Procedure finds which students should get scholarships this year. From the candidates and detentions tables the Procedure returns a table with a single student_id column containing the IDs of the students who should get scholarships - students from the candidates table who've never gotten a detention. The IDs of the students in the resulting table is sorted in ascending order.[execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql/ms-sql/oracle)

The SQL Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE scholarshipSolution()
        SELECT c.candidate_id AS student_id FROM candidates c
        LEFT JOIN detentions d
        ON c.candidate_id=d.student_id
        WHERE d.detention_date IS NULL;

The resulting table of the SQL Procedure


Only Gerbern Abbey and Nita Simons never got detention, so they will get the scholarships this year.The dates are given in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Given a list of sights to visit with no visitor allowed to walk between two places if the distance between them is 5 km or more. An SQL Procedure can be used to find all pairs of places that are less than 5 km from each other. The places of interests are stored in a table sights, which has the following attributes:

The sights table

id name x y
1 Tower of London 51508.026 -7.5939
2 Trafalgar Square 51508.040 -12.7899
3 London Eye 51503.538 -11.9371
4 The Shard 51504.533 -8.6028

The following SQL Procedure finds all pairs of places such that each pair is less than 5 km away. The distances between the places are calculated with the assumption that they are just points on a 2D map and are returned as a table with the columns place1 and place2. The places in the pairs are sorted lexicographically.[execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql/ms-sql/oracle)

The SQL Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE allPairsSolution()
        SELECT AS place1, AS place2 FROM sights AS a
        LEFT JOIN sights b on <
        WHERE < AND SQRT(POWER((a.x - b.x) ,2) + POWER((a.y - b.y) ,2)) <= 5
        ORDER BY place1, place2;

The resulting table of the SQL Procedure

place1 place2
London Eye The Shard
London Eye Trafalgar Square
The Shard Tower of London

Here is my Database Normalization Section

Unique Keys,Relationships,Business Rules,Anormalies,3NF

All Software Engineers are familiar with Relational Databases. Data is stored in tables known as Entities with each table consisting of columns known as attributes or fields. Each table typically contains a Primary Key which cannot be NULL, must composed of a unique minimum set of colums.

Business Rules

Relationship Types

Now, consider that a Room Reservation System for clients would need to be able to allow booking of guests. Information need would consist of the following:

Reservation System Business Rules


PK - Room#, Reservation Number

Name Phone email Room# RoomType CheckIn CheckOut RoomRate ActualRoomRate ReservationNumber Card# CardType CardExpiry

Here Room# and Reservation Number must be combined to form a Composite Primary Key and the table is in first Normal form

1NF -


PK - Room#

RoomType RoomRate

PK - Reservation Number

Name Phone email CheckIn CheckOut Card# CardType CardExpiry

PK - Room# + ReservationNumber

Reservation Number Actual Room Rate

All partial dependencies are removed as in the Room# Table Room Type and Room Rate can be known once the Room# is known. Name,Phone,email,Check in,Check out,Card# Card Type and Card Expiry can be knowm once the Reservation Number is known. Actual Room Rate remains in the initial table because if the Reservation Number or Room# is known the Actual Room Rate cannot be derrived

2NF -

In 2NF form anormarmalies and redundancy usually exist as in this case. A delete anormaly would occur if a guest's credit card information needs to be deleted or updated. Also in 2NF the credit card information is redundant for guests with multiple reserations. For large databases engeneers prefer the 3NF to prevent anormalies and redunancy.


PK - Card#

CardType CardExpiry

PK - email

Name Phone

PK - Room Type


PK - Room#


PK - Reservation Number

CheckIn CheckOut Card# email

PK - Room# + ReservationNumber

Reservation Number Actual Room Rate

All transitive dependencies have been removed and the result is five tables in 3NF. Card# is a primary key for Card Type and card Expiry. Business Rules allow guests to have similar names or phone numbers but not email. The new RoomType table has a 1:M relationship with the Room# table, similarly the email table has a 1:M relationship with the Resevation Number table. The Card# table has a 1:M relationship with the Reservation Number table. The Room# table and the Reservation Number table both have 1:M relationships with the Room# + Reservation Number table

3NF -

The Final Normalized Databse

Id fields such as RoomType ID and guestID were also added to the final tables so that primary keys do not contain company data. All anormalies and redundancy from the 2NF form has been removed.

Appwrite Cloud Card

Here is myNo SQL Databases Section

GraphQL, ORM, Firebase, MongoDB, Appwrite

In 2023 no-SQL Databases have become popular for modern web applications like Facebook. Earlier programmers first taught that the most efficient way to query a database was to Noramlize it. Today the excess memeory is used to hold redundant data instead of using relationships so that tables can contain lists instead of foreign keys. This results in wasting memory but faster queries than SQL relational Databases.

Google's noSQL Firebase for example uses documents and collections as its database structure. The Firebase server uses Security Rules to allow reading and writing to the database. and superbase are similar to Firebase.

With the advent of GraphQL over fetching can now be avoided by specifying exactly what fields are needed as GraphQL gives you a single endpoint. The following javascript code how connection to a Firebase database is initialized using an API key provided when creating the Firebase backend.

import firebase from 'firebase';
import app from 'firebase/app';
import auth from 'firebase/auth';
import database from 'firebase/database';

const a1: = firebase.initializeApp({
  apiKey: 'apiKey',
  databaseURL: 'databaseURL',
  projectId: '42',

Below is a screenshot of my Firebase Backend for a mobile Application. The data is stored in documents and collections on the Firebase server.

My Firebase Backend

As a Software Engineer and Computer Scientist I think that both relational and noSQL databases both have their uses from large to small applications.